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8v8 Rules 

Good sportsmanship is a must in these league. You will be kicked out without refund if you do not abide by the following rules. If you feel like you're getting worked up, remove yourself from the field. 

Light pushing with intent to fight - removal from current game, and 1 game suspension.

Aggressive push with intent to fight - suspension from the league and no refund. Duration of suspension is decided by the league.

Any form of hitting/aggressive contact with another player - suspension from the league and no refund. Duration of suspension is decided by the league.

Field of Play

Field shall be 210 ft long by 103ft wide. Penalty box size is 32ft wide by 28ft long. This is subject to change. 

Number of Players

 1. All teams will play 8 per side (goalie included).

    CO-ED ONLY: A minimum of 2 females must be on the field at all times.

    CO-ED ONLY: A team can play with only 1 female, but in this case they are only allowed to play a maximum of 6 males (this rule does not apply to the playoffs).

    CO-ED ONLY: If a minimum of 1 female is not present, the game will be a forfeit. 

 2. Teams must have a minimum of five players on the field to start a game. A 5-minute grace period will be in effect for the first game of the day only.

 3. Substitutions shall be unlimited. Substitutions may be made once the ref has acknowledged that a substitution can be made. The player leaving and entering the field does so at midfield and/or without gaining an unfair advantage.

Players’ Equipment

 Player equipment must conform to Striker Soccer rules.

 1. Shin Guards are REQUIRED. No exceptions.

 2. Footwear: regulation soccer cleats with rubber-soles (not football cleats), plastic cleats, and detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear.

 3. Teams will wear uniforms of matching shirt color.

 4. If eyeglasses are worn, each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own eyeglasses.

 5. No hats with bills, watches, or bulky jewelry.

Duration of the Match

 1. Games will be played with two 25-minute halves, and a three-minute half time.

 2. There will be no overtime periods in regular season matches.

 3. If there are playoff games, they will have 5 minute overtime periods (2) with “Golden Goal” format. If there is no score after overtime, penalty kicks will follow. First to 5 goals wins. If still a tie, golden goal PK is how winner will be determined.

    CO-ED ONLY: Co-Ed games ending in PK’s will have 5 shooters with a minimum of 2 female shooters.

Forfeit Time 

A 5 minute grace period will be given to a team not able to meet the minimum player requirements of number of players. A forfeit will result in a 4-0 loss for the forfeiting team. After forfeiture, the game can still be played as a scrimmage or “friendly” between the two scheduled teams. Even if it is a forfeit, referees are required to stay and officiate the game if both teams still want to play. Teams can share players between the two scheduled teams or any team scheduled at their field, if the game is a forfeit. All players playing in a forfeited game must be registered players on the rosters at the field that game is being played at, and check in before they play.

Mercy Rule

There is no mercy rule but no team can have more than a 4 point goal differential per game. 


 The offside rule will NOT be in effect

Slide Tackling

 1. There is NO SLIDE TACKLING. You may slide block to block a shot with no players around. If a player is around, it will result in a yellow. This rule applies to all players including the goalkeeper.

 2. A slide tackle will result in an automatic yellow card IF ANOTHER PLAYER IS AROUND. 

 3. A slide tackle occurs when a player leaves his/her feet and leads with his/her feet to play the ball while the ball is in the proximity of another player.

 4. A slide tackle does not require that any contact occur between players.

 5. Sliding to keep a ball from going out of bounds, or to stop a ball that does not endanger another player is not a foul.

 6. It will be up to the referee’s discretion as to whether or not a player’s participation from the ground is dangerous.

 Goalkeepers sliding rule: Goalkeepers may slide out with their hands to get the ball. However, they must not be reckless and put another player in   danger. If a Goalkeeper comes flying out to slide for the ball in a reckless manner, whether they make contact with an opponent or not, a penalty will be awarded to the opposition. Goalkeepers may not slide out feet first.

7. If you’re a forward running toward a goalkeeper and the GK will get to the ball first, stop or slow down. This will prevent injury to you and/or another.

Free Kicks

 All fouls outside of the penalty area will be awarded a free kick. Indirect/Direct free kicks will be determined by the ref based on standard soccer rules. 

 Indirect Kicks: The defensive players can be no closer than 4 yards to the ball.


 1. All balls that go out of bounds on the sidelines will be put back into play via a kick-in. This is treated like an indirect free kick (defenders must give 4 yards).

 2. Goalkeepers are allowed to punt and throw the ball, but they cannot score a goal from a punt or throw. 

Goal Kick

 Balls may be kicked from on or anywhere within the goal box. A goal may not be scored directly from a goal kick.

Corner Kick

 1. A corner kick shall be awarded to the attacking team when the entire ball passes over the goal line, excluding the area between the goal posts and under the crossbar, either in the air or on the ground, having last been touched or played by the defending team.

 2. A corner kick is the only free kick that is considered direct.

 3. Players of the defending team shall be at least 4 yards from the ball until it has been kicked.

 4. The ball shall be kicked from the ground close to the corner, including on the lines, at the corner nearest where the ball left the field of play.

 5. After the corner kick, the ball must be played by another player, before the one who executed the kick plays the ball again.

Penalty Kick

 1. Fouls/Infractions inside the goal box will result in a penalty kick.

 2. Penalty kicks will be taken from 8 yards out from the goal line with one goalie who is allowed to use their hands.

Violations and Bookings

 1. If a player receives a yellow card, until the next substitution, but may be replaced by another teammate so that the team can continue at full strength (see below for exceptions). Names are taken after every yellow card. Failure to provide the referee with your own, real name will result in a longer suspension from the league.

 2. If you receive a yellow card for dissent, smack talk, persistent complaining etc, you will be sent to the sin bin, and be off the field for 5-10 minutes. The duration will be determined by the ref. The team will not be able to use a sub in this instance, so your team will play down a player.

 3. A player receiving two yellow cards in one game will be ejected from the current game and their next game. The team will have to play down a player in this case for the current game.

 5. A player receiving a red card in a game will be ejected from the current game and their next game, and the team will have to play down a player for the rest of that game.

Sin bins – The sin-bin will mean ten minutes off the field. No replacement or sub is allowed. Anyone still continuing to argue or complain will receive a red card and suspension from future games. The sin bin area will be your own teams bench.

Smack talk, complaining and abusive language – Smack talk consists of verbally abusing anyone and WILL NOT be tolerated in this league. This includes your opponent, a team mate or referee. It also consists of persistent complaining. Only the Captains should address the referee, calmly, during the game. If you are not the Captain and complain or make comments to the referee, you can expect to receive a yellow or a red card, depending on what and how you say things. If your body language or tone of voice is perceived to be aggressive, you can expect a more severe punishment. If you constantly whine and complain, you should expect a sin bin and a yellow card, or a straight red card. If you receive a red card you will be suspended from future games, the length to be determined by the league, no exceptions. The answer to this is, don’t do it! It’s almost certain a referee will never change their mind, so don’t waste your breath, and just play. It’s not the World Cup.

If a team persistently complains, the referee will address the Captain and give a final warning. After this, if it continues, the referee will abandon the game and the offending team will be sanctioned. This may include expulsion from the league, with no refunds.

Conduct yourself properly. If you put your hands on anyone in an aggressive way, it will be a straight red and suspended from the league indefinitely. A push is included in this, so be warned. We will not tolerate pushing, shoving, getting in someone’s face or fighting in this league. You will be expelled with no refund.


 In regular season play there will be NO overtime games. Standings in the league will be determined by GAME POINTS:

 3 points for a win

 1 point for a tie

 0 points for a loss

 Maximum goal difference for each game is 4. (If a team wins 6-0, only 4 goals count).

 Same thing with the losing team, their goal difference would be -4.


 5 minute sudden death for 2 periods. 

 5 PK’s, 2 must be kicked by girls.

**This is subject to change due to time constraints*